Climate Change
County Governments' Response to Climate Change Impacts
A comparative study on Kakamega, Siaya, Tana River and Mombasa, County Governments' Response to Climate Change Impacts Through Policy, Legislation, Programming and Financing.

About the Study:
This is a comparative analysis of how six counties in Kenya respond to climate change through policy, legislation, programming, and budgeting. The research report does a comparative analysis of the climate change response in the six counties against six main criteria listed under the overarching study objectives using various indicators and parameters identified through the terms of reference. The comparative analysis is further deepened by a robust conceptual framework Systems Dynamics Model developed by the research team that explored the relationships between institutions, actors, policies, and legislations on how the selected counties integrate climate change into their programming, planning, and budgeting. This model has been used as an approach to analyse the complexity of climate change institutions, their frameworks, actors, and policies and how they interact with one another.
Case studies were prepared for each county founded on a set of guiding open-ended research questions and drew initial literature review from a plethora of available documentation on climate change, existing policies and legislations, research reports, case studies, media reports, unpublished reports and existing policy and legislative frameworks.